Contact the MY LOGO Program Coordinator at the Center for Character and Citizenship at the University of Missouri - St. Louis. and set up a meeting.  We will work with you to brainstorm ways you can help promote local government education in your school community; likewise, MY LOGO will also suggest ideas on how to help young students get actively involved in their communities.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Work with teachers/schools in your area to organize/carry out a Local Government Awareness Day, Week, or Month

    • Set a date or series of days to promote "Local Government Awareness"

    • Volunteer to speak to a class or school assembly on what you do and why your job is important to your city/community.

    • Invite classes to take a tour of your local government building; introduce students to other members of your local government team.

    • Sponsor/Participate a “Local Government Awareness Quiz Bowl.” Match up local government officials against a team of students to see who knows the most about local government in Missouri. (MY LOGO will provide Quiz Bowl Questions).

    • Team up with a Teacher in your area and go on local TV or Cable station to talk about the importance of local government to your community.

    • Host a “Local Government Awareness Blog” on your web site. Encourage students and teachers to participate.

    • Serve as a member of a “Local Government Awareness Team.” Work with schools, teachers, & students to promote the importance of local government education in the classroom and the community.

    • Participate in a Local Government workshop for teachers.

    • Help schools/teachers organize site visits, develop local government project ideas, and help coordinate local government project fairs.

    • Assist schools/teachers in the planning of site visits to local government buildings in your area and cosponsor local government regional projects