The Journal of Character Education is the only professional journal in education devoted to character education. It is designed to cover the field - from the latest research to applied best practices. We include original research reports, editorials and conceptual articles by the best minds in our field, reviews of the latest books, and other relevant strategies and manuscripts by educators that describe best practices in teaching and learning related to character education.
The Journal of Character Education has for over a decade been the sole scholarly journal focused on research, theory, measurement, and practice of character education.
In 2021, the Journal of Character Education introduced a new section called “Opinion.” As the only journal with an exclusive focus on character education, we have proudly published articles written by and oriented toward both researchers and practitioners, ranging from scholarly research articles, to “Voices” articles presenting innovations and perspectives of character education practitioners.
Now, with our Opinion section, we hope to publish perspectives from leading authorities in the field that might be more provocative. And, in doing so, we hope to engage you, our readers, in ways we have not before—by inviting comments, responses, and conversation to take place.
The two inaugural Opinion articles published in Volume 17, Issue 1, 2021 are reprinted on the Center for Character and Citizenship website. We welcome you to read the opinions and ideas shared by the authors, and we invite you to respond with your own opinions and ideas related to the topics discussed.
Please note that comments will be moderated. In addition, the editors reserve the right to post comments on this website.
The Journal of Character Education is the leading source of cutting-edge knowledge about character education research, theory, practice, and opinion. We define character education broadly to encompass all educational approaches designed to nurture the development of students’ knowledge, motivation, skills, and behavior concerning all four aspects of character: moral, performance, civic, and intellectual. The Journal publishes articles that report the results of research relevant to character education, as well as conceptual articles that provide theoretical, historical, and philosophical perspectives on the field of character education as it is broadly defined above. The Journal is also interested in practical articles about implementation and specific programs, as well as book reviews and informed opinion statements.
Marvin W Berkowitz, University of Missouri - St. Louis Jonathan M. Tirrell, Tufts University
Sheldon Berman, Andover (MA) Public Schools
Melinda Bier, University of Missouri–St. Louis
Shelley H. Billig, RMC Research Corporation Jonathan Cohen, Teachers College, Columbia University Ann Higgins D’Alessandro, Fordham University
Matthew Davidson, Institute for Ethics and Excellence (NY)
Maurice Elias, Rutgers University
Constance Flanagan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Perry L. Glanzer, Baylor University
Charles Haynes, First Amendment Center
Thomas Lickona, State University of New York–Cortland
Marco Muñoz, Jefferson (KY) County Public Schools
Larry Nucci, University of California-Berkeley
Clark Power, University of Notre Dame
Kevin Ryan, Boston University
Arthur Schwartz, Widener University
Scott Seider, Boston University
Bryan Sokol, Saint Louis University
Herbert J. Walberg, University of Illinois at Chicago
Mary Williams, La Salle University
Center for Character and Citizenship
College of Education
402 Marillac Hall
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400